The Siberian Husky Club of Gauteng
Welcome to the Siberian Husky Club of Gauteng's Website. This site contains information about the Siberian Husky Club including the show and sledding events to take place during the year together with results past and present. We showcase some of our members who are preferred breeders registered with KUSA (Kennel Union of Southern Africa).
Please feel free to make contact with us should you require any further information.
This may be one of the most beautiful of dogs, and in the right circumstances a Siberian Husky can be a wonderful pet and companion. However - this is NOT the breed for everyone! Many Siberians end up lost, in dog shelters or mistreated simply because their owners do not understand the breed. The Siberian has traits and needs that every prospective owner should be aware of. Please take the time to read through the information provided then decide if this is the breed for you. Acquiring a dog is a big responsibility not to be taken lightly.
Be an informed owner, not a sorry one!