About Us
To promote, encourage, foster and advance the breeding, well-being of and interest in the Siberian Husky breed of dogs;
To observe and adhere to the Breed Standards of the Siberian Husky breed of dog as adopted from time to time by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa;
To organise and hold shows (including match meetings) in breed, obedience, sledding and other dog activities recognised by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, including training for any or all of these activities;
To promote a better understanding of the Siberian Husky and a wider knowledge of Siberian Husky and Siberian Husky affairs and to promote goodwill both among people interested in Siberian Huskies and towards Siberian Huskies and people interested in Siberian Huskies. Provide a Rescue Club which will assist where possible in placing unwanted dogs or retrieving lost Siberian Huskies;
Inform the members about well known and common hereditary problems experienced within the breed;
Provide a Quaterly newsletter which contains interesting information about the breed and notes about the activities and achievements both owner and dog have partaking in or accomplished through the year.
If you have any questions or comments, or need advice and help with anything relevant to the Club or Siberian Huskies, please feel to contact any of the committee members.
Code of Ethics
In order to promote the highest ideals among the Siberian Husky owners and breeders and to aim for the continuous improvement of the breed within the framework of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa breed standard, I endeavour to:
Follow the rules of good sportsmanship in all Siberian Husky competition and activities.
Fully explain to all prospective Siberian Husky purchasers the disadvantages as well as the advantages of owning this breed.
Attempt to help and befriend novice exhibitors, sledding enthusiasts, breeders and pet owners.
Before entering into any breeding agreement, carefully analyse the conformation and the pedigrees of the prospective sire and dam, take into consideration any known hereditary or genetic defects and, having the breed standard in mind, refuse the mating if, in my opinion,
it will not be in the best interests of the breed.
Undertake to screen all those Siberian Huskies I propose to breed from all hereditary defects including hip dysplasia. I will not breed from stock that is affected by progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), cataracts, pre-disposition to primary glaucoma and will ensure that all puppies produced through my breeding endeavours will be similarly tested before they are bred from. If another hereditary problem occurs in my bloodlines, I will be honest and open about it to ensure that it is not unknowingly perpetuated in the breed.
Refuse to deal with dog wholesalers or to sell puppies or dogs to pet shops and will include in all stud contracts an agreement to be signed by the owner of the bitch that no puppies resulting from the mating will be disposed of to commercial dog dealers, puppy farmers, pet shops or wholesale merchants.
Accept full responsibility for all puppies bred by me. I will take back, or provide for,
any dog of my breeding that needs a new home until I find an alternative suitable home.
Help to encourage Siberian Husky owners to train and work their dogs in harness so that the primary function of the breed may be perpetuated.
Not participate in any activities that would create bad publicity for the breed.
I WILL have all dogs and puppies owned and/or bred by me microchipped for registration and identification purposes.
we are affiliated with
2023 Committee
Warren Sim
Cornice Oberholzer
Vice Chair
Djaki Kern
Rachel Partridge ~ Treasurer
Gerla Anderson ~ Member
Duane Riley ~ Member
Fiona Tiquin ~ Member
Jan Oberholzer ~ Member
Liz Grove ~ Member
Cathy du Plessis ~ Member