About the Breed in South Africa
The first records that the Kennel Union of South Africa (KUSA) has for recognised breeds is dated 1908 in which no Northern Dogs appear. It wasn't until 1936 that Samoyeds and Eskimos were recognised and many years later the Samoyed was registered. In 1970 the Alaskan Malamute ("husky") was listed. In 1975 the generic name "huskies" which covered a number of northern breeds was dropped and the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky were acknowledged under their true names. The first Siberian Husky to be registered was a dog Cantalupas Chimo whelped on 4 July 1968 by Alakazan's Sitka out of Tibetain's Putza. It was not until January 1982 that the first South Africn bred Champions were made up. Both were imported dogs bred by Dr G and Mrs C Mayer in the USA Bunda's Black Bandit of Alliskan and Bunda's Grey Mist of Alliskan. During the 1990s there was a dramatic increase in the general public interest in Siberian Huskies in this country. This interest brings with it the problems of indescriminate over breeding and sadly, in our environment, the theft of good quality dogs! On a positive note, responsible breeders have gone out of their way to import new bloodlines.
As the name implies, the Siberian Husky originated in Siberia. It is believed that the breed was developed by the Chukchis who settled in the Kolyma River Basin in northern Siberia. In the 18th Century Cossaks began a march across Siberia to conquer the land because of the lucrative fur trade. Most of the people living in this area were primitive tribal groups who were unable to withstand the invading Russian army, except of course the Chuckchi and this because they utilised their dogs to stay ahead of the Cossaks. The story goes that the Chukchis lured the Russian forces into a mountain pass where all escape routes were blocked and they were able to conquer the Cossaks. The Chukchis lived in harmony together with their sled dogs for many years after this conflict.
By the end of the 19th Century the Chuckchi dog had been discovered by Alaskan traders imported into the Northwestern territories and renamed the Siberian Husky.
Interestingly in the early 1900s the Russian monarchy was overthrown and taken over by the communist regime and by the 1930s the forces of communism reached the arctic north. The Chuckchi people because of their dogs were regarded as "upper class" and were viewed as a hindrance to the nature of communism and most were imprisoned or killed. In a matter of a few years the Chukchi dog breed all but disappeared from Siberia.
Sled dog sport was becoming an extremely popular past-time and in 1909 the first team of Siberian Huskies was entered in the All-Alaska Sweepstakes by William Goosak. Because of their size and docile temperament no-one was interested in Goosak's team, who placed third by the end of the race! A young Scotsman, Fox Ramsay, was so impressed with the Siberian Husky that he imported 60 dogs from Siberia to train for the following year's race. The 1910 race was won by one of the three teams he entered. It was driven by John Johnson and Ramsay himself placed second. Ever since the popularity of our magnificent breed as a sled dog has been maintained.
In 1915, 1916 and 1917 The All Alaska Sweepstakes was won by a team of siberian huskies driven by Leonard Seppala. In 1925 Nome was stricken by a dephtheria epidemic and the nearest serum available was in Anchorage. The serum was shipped to Nenana by rail and from there it was taken to Nome by a relay of dog teams. Seppala started from Nome with twenty dogs to meet the serum. He drove a distance of 169 miles before he intercepted the last of the fifteen relay teams which had brought the serum from Nenana. On that historic day Seppela travelled 84 miles in a single day under extreme conditions. This remarkable feat has caputured the imagination of all those who love the Siberian Husky and has created a special place for the breed in the annals of canine lore.
The Siberian Husky was officially recognised as a breed by the AKC in 1939.
Siberian Huskies ARE:
fun loving
friendly with strangers
independant (extremely!)
howlers (we do not bark!)
hunters (beware the neighbourhood cats)
destructionists (is there really such a word?)
escape artists (and you thought Houdini was good!)
landscapists (of the worst kind!)
shed their coats (hair, hair, everywhere)
Siberian Huskies are NOT:
half wolves
Siberian Huskies NEED:
company (human and canine)
secure living area
Recommended Reading - Siberian Husky:
The Siberian Husky - Brearley
The New Complete Siberian Husky - M. Jennings & L. Demidoff
The Siberian Husky Able Athlete Able Friend - Michael Jennings
A New Owner's Guide to Siberian Huskies - Kathleen Kanzler
The Essential Siberian Husky - Ian Dunbar
Siberian Huskies The First Ten Years - Debbie Meador
Recommended Reading - Sledding:
Mush: A Beginner's Manual of Sled Dog Training - Bella Levorsen and the Sierra Nevada Dog Drivers
Seppala: Alaskan Dog Driver - Elizabeth RickerSled
The Joy of Running Sled Dogs--Step by Step Guide - Flanders
The Last Great Race - Tim Jones
Lure of the Quest - John Balzar
Winterdance - Gary Paulsen
Recommended Reading - Health & Nutrition:
Give Your Dog A Bone - Dr. Ian Billinghurst
Grow Your Pups With Bones - Dr. Ian Billinghurst
Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats - Kymythy R. Schultze
The Doggy Bone Cookbook - Michael Bledsoe
Canine Ophthalmology - by William G. Magrane
The Complete Book of Dog Care - Leon Whitney
Genetics of the Dog - William Willis
Dogs & How To Breed Them - Hilary Harmar
Recommended Reading - General Reference:
The Dog's Mind - Bruce Fogle, DVM
The Joy of Breeding your own Show Dog - Anne Serrane
Dogsteps - Rachel Page Elliott
Born to Win - Patricia Craige
Why Does My Dog? - John Fisher
Don't Shoot The Dog - Karen Prior
Dogs -- A Startling New Understanding of Canine Origin,
Behaviour & Evolution - Raymond & Lorna Coppinger
Siberian Husky Kennel Clubs:
An Analysis of the AKC Breed Standard
Siberian Husky Shopping:
South African Federation of Sled Dog Sports
Health & Diet: